Tuesday 14 January 2014

Redirecting Perspectives - Fatima Maleeha


Across the globe, there exists millions of souls who aim to change the world,who wish to eradicate all obnoxious and unappealing practices like terrorism ever known and who aspire to transform the world in to a place where tranquility and alacrity would prevail.

However, what hinders many on their way to bring a big and positive change is indeed their wrong perception about doing it.They embrace such methods which according to their views would help them exterminate the problem all at once, but before long, get dishearted when not being able to demonstrate any progress ,because bringing any big change ultimately seems formidable when people try to deal with huge boulders at once without considering breaking them into easily removeable stones.

Hence, It is indeed a fact that things could never change if the lead is not a rational ideology and the way taken is not a practical one. Things will not change if our thoughts will not be redirected and if we will not start reckoning ,that in order to change or alter the outside world, we have to change our inner one. If, for one, violence is what seems to be the most aggravating thing about the world, one should leave no stone unturned to be non-violent his or her own self , since our world is indeed the reflection of our inner selves.

Revitalizing one's thought could undoubtedly be a milestone on the journey to set things right, which deteriorated because of us. Instead of pointing out flaws in the world, it would make a huge difference if one would switch his or her mind-set and contribute something good and positive to the world,because it is believed that those, who cannot change their mind, cannot change anything.As a matter of fact, a person with inspiring perspectives can surely have an uplifting impact on the world, thus by changing our thinking from being negative and criticizing to positive and motivating ,we can have an amazing influence on the world around us.

Thus, for one to see the change he or she wishes for, one has to be that very change and what it takes is
just a bright thought that could be the fuel to motivate one through his or her way to triumph.

Written by : Fatima Maleeha


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