Sunday 27 October 2013

Nixor College Movie Night 2013: The Cause and Event


Photo courtesy of Shams Pasha

“That's what I consider true generosity: You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” 

September 24th 2013, a day which brought devastation to thousands of innocent people living in Balochistan.  A day when families were broken and people were left hopeless,  broken and bruised.

One thing that the Pakistani nation is known for is not giving up and not backing down when tough times come upon them and like always, the whole nation became one to help their brothers and sisters in Balochistan and did whatever they could. Different organizations and individuals joined hands to help those in need in Balochistan to try to end their pain. The students of Nixor College were not going to back down either. Nixor College believes in helping the community because we believe that it is our duty to do so! This country, this community ,has given us so much and when in need, we shouldn’t back down from the fight! It started when the Student Governments Sub-Committee, GCC (Group of Concerned Citizens) decided to collect any sort of items whether it be clothes or food or even toys that could help the victims. They collected a decent amount of items and sent them to Balochistan through the NGO, Pakistan Relief Foundation. But we all thought that we needed to do more. We had to work more for all the victims, thus a number of AS students along with the GCC and the Student Government decided to have an event, an event that would help us raise funds for the victims of the devastating earthquake. That event, would not only provide all the Nixor sharks to spend some quality time with their friends but also simultaneously help raise funds for a good cause!

Hence, it was organized, with over 400 students signing up for the event. After 2 weeks of immense hard work, dedication and patience, the Movie Night for Nixor students was held on the 27th of October. The day started with the volunteers working as hard as they could and giving it their all to set up the whole event, whether it was helping with the setting up of the ground or the posters and doing whatever they could do to help make this event a success.

As soon as the clock struck 5:45, students started coming in, eager to watch the movie and spend some time with their friends while raising funds for a good cause! Students came in, bought the popcorn and drinks and sat down waiting for the movie to start. To me, popcorn, drinks, friends and Despicable Me 2, seemed like the perfect combination. The event kicked off with a video from the NGO we were working with, PRF (Pakistan Relief Foundation) which highlighted the issues the people of Balochistan faced, after which one of their representatives came forward to speak about this issue and to thank all those who came to support the victims of Balochistan. The rest of the event was all fun and laughter and all the students having the time of their lives .But the best part of this  was not the movie and not even the food. It was actually the spirit, the enthusiasm and the reason. The way a community stood together not to dominate others but to actually help them. An individual can not achieve without his community helping him, they cant do the impossible without having people with them who can help them.

Life isn’t easy. Life is a very complex thing. There are moments of happiness and moments of sadness, and its our choice how we interpret those moments. When the earthquake happened, we had two choices. To either let it all go and stay silent or to stand together as one and fight against such bad times and what did we do? We chose the second option. We didn’t stay silent and just let this go like it was just another incident in our lives, we actually stood up for our brothers and sisters in Balochistan and we did something! Yes, we’re students and youngsters and people say that we’re too young but who says that you need to be old enough to help others? A student of Nixor College believes in his Core Values strongly and always does the right thing. And in this case, the right thing was to help the victims and to make their lives a bit better than it was currently. The event was able to raise almost more than 1 lac for the victims and more importantly, it made us all realize a lot. It made us realize the importance of family, the importance of life and most importantly, the importance of helping ones community, because at the end of the day, we all are part of one single community, we all are Pakistanis and we will never ever back down when bad times hit us.

“It's impossible to be involved in all situations, but there's no excuse not to be involved in something, somewhere, somehow, with someone. Make an ounce of difference.” 
 Richelle E. Goodrich

Written by: Hasan Saeed


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