Saturday 16 November 2013

49 things I want my kids to know..


by Alia Eva


49 Things I Want My Kids to Know

  1. Tom will never catch Jerry.
  2. “We’ll see” means “no” in adult language.
  3. Being nice to people is not something you regret no matter how they respond.
  4. Honesty is the best policy. Always.
  5. Go with your gut feeling. Your gut will doubtlessly never be wrong.
  6. You don’t need make-up to be beautiful
  7. READ. It’s one of the best things in the world.
  8. Movies will never be better than the books
  9. Never go through a “kewl” phase on Facebook. It will come back to haunt you.
  10. Never say no to chocolate.
  11. Punch anyone in the face who says shit against your country.
  12. When someone is upset over something, don’t start giving them unwanted advice, just listen to them and tell them you’re sorry.
  13. Our family Sunday tradition will be hogging on chocolates and pizza and lasagna while having a Harry Potter movie marathon.
  14. Just because everyone’s doing it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing.
  15. Throw your trash in the bin.
  16. Nothing will grab you from under the bed at night.
  17. Life isn’t fair; get used to it.
  18. Proper use of your and you’re.
  19. Pokemon will always be the best anime.
  20. Your idea of music should never be Miley Cyrus, One Direction or Justin Beiber.
  21. Apologize ONLY when you’re wrong.
  22. Don’t create a mess of your wardrobe. Just don’t.
  23. Don’t be scared to voice your opinions just because they’re different than others.
  24. Everyone deserves the benefit of doubt.
  25. Be curious.
  26. Feminism is unreasonable crap, don’t be a feminist unless you want me to disown you.
  27. Your sense of humor will take you a long way.
  28. Your mom used to hate kids. USED TO.
  29. Adults aren’t as perfect as you think them to be.
  30. What makes you stronger might also be your weakest ladder.
  31. The Godfather will always be the best trilogy of all time.
  32. Confidence is sexy.
  33. Ted Mosby doesn’t meet his wife till like the end of eighth season.
  34. Always be proud of yourself, unless you’re a douche.
  35. Schools won’t teach you anything about real life.
  36. You’ll lose friends, but you’ll gain better ones.
  37. Doctors will never be as hot as Grey’s Anatomy shows them to be.
  38. You can swear (though I prefer you don’t). But NEVER ever abuse anyone.
  39. It’s better to be life-smart than book-smart.
  40. We all make mistakes, but it’s only a mistake if you don’t repeat it after repenting.
  41. Don’t be afraid to try. You’ll regret not trying.
  42. Not many things are more painful than childbirth.
  43. Eat lots. But always eat healthy. Chocolates are healthy, yes.
  44. Don’t use the “:)” emoticon with me, it’s creepy.
  45. Don’t ever text me back with a K.
  46. Not everything needs to be put up as your status update on Facebook.
  47. Weird unrelated quotations are not necessary in your photo captions.
  48. It’s okay to cry when Mufasa dies in Lion King no matter how old you are.
  49. Your mom wrote this at the age of seventeen after five days of a serious writer’s block.


  1. This was fun to read. I love what you wrote Alia. Your kids would be really happy one day because you just gave them the best shortcuts of life and some good things to know about life too. :D

  2. Thank you for reading this Ayesha, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D And hahah yeah I'll make my kids read it xD
