I've had better Fridays

They served a complimentary green chili platter covered in
fried golden-brown breadcrumbs and a dip on every table, and ours was no
different. They were absolutely delightful at the time, maybe because I was
extremely hungry or simply because they weren’t half bad, but too many of those
gave me a headache. Don’t let the word chili fool you- they seemed like a poor excuse for chilies
since they were not spicy at all. In fact, if you closed your eyes and ate
them, you couldn’t tell them apart from soy beans. So the verdict on the
starter would be a 7 out of 10- mainly because of the dip, and because they
were free.
During the twenty
agonizing minutes of waiting for my “blackened chicken Alfredo” I took the
occasional nibble from my friends’ plates to review them here to give you all a
more detailed review of TGI Fridays (once again, you’re welcome). So I tasted
the chicken fillet with white sauce and the chicken was very hard, as if I was
cutting through a beef steak. However, the outside was crispy, the chicken
inside pleasantly moist even though the dish seemed to be unevenly balanced.
Since I have tried many chicken fillets that have tasted better, that too at
lower prices- maybe a 6 out of 10. Next up was a very good looking cheese burger- like art on a
plate. If only it was as good on the inside as it was on the outside. Like a
supermodel with a horrible personality. The beef was dry and bland, and cost a
whopping 890 rupees roughly. So I’d rate the burger a solid 5.5 on a scale of 1-10.
Burger lovers, there’s a Burger King right next door- I’d advise you to take
that route if you’re in a particularly burgery mood.
Now for the dish I actually ordered for myself. Along with
the pasta I ordered an electric lemonade as it looked gorgeous on the menu
card. Right from the first sip I regretted ordering the blue monstrosity. It
had the remnants of lemons, with actual lemons and pineapple chunks bobbling
inside of it. Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, there were actual
pineapples, in a lemonade. Having dragged myself half way through the very
expensive (R.s 275) lemonade I had to request one of the waiters to put it
through a blender so the residue would
be gone and only the juice would be left. He obliged and came back with a full
glass of clear blue lemonade. He refilled the damn thing. It tasted the same
although much easier to drink without the particles getting stuck in the straw.
Being the Memon I am, I still completed the lemonade 70% through. Oh how I
regretted not ordering a coke. Out of ten? I’d give it a 1.5. With it came my
pasta: the plate housed a hefty amount of white spaghetti drenched in creamy
white sauce. It tasted decent. Like how I’d expect pasta to taste. Nothing that blew my mind
away. But they ruined the essence of the extremely Italian dish by putting in
diced tomatoes which should never be used in fettuccine. They ruined the
essence of the Alfredo but the richness of the sauce and the nicely charred
texture of the chicken made a nice dish altogether, both presentation and taste
wise. Like its complimentary brother, it scored a 7.
This is what TGI
Friday’s has to offer. For me, not something to get too excited about, and not
a bad place to go to if you’re in the mood to have something different. Located
in boat basin, TGI Fridays is just about your average Joe’s. In there it’s
always Friday, but for me, it wasn’t. For you, maybe it will be. You’ll be the
judge of that. Do try it and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Happy eating!
By: Mujtaba Khalid
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